Thursday, June 16, 2011

Are You Being Called to Write a Story?

I hear this all the time...."I have a great story to share, however, I'm not a writer."

Here's my answer... I didn't know I was a writer until I started writing.  I didn't think anyone would read my blog and I deliberately made it hard to find.  It was my way of saying yes to God in a partial way.  God found a way to send readers to this obscure site in a sea of over 200 million other blogs.  Along the way, other writers helped me overcome my anxiety issues about writing and I became a self-published author.

I've learned an important lesson about who God calls for His plans.  They aren't usually the qualified.  They are people who work at Denny's, they are firefighters, they are regular people.  God qualifies these people by surrounding them with the right people who can help develop the special talent often hidden from the world.

You are a child of God.  Your story matters.  You have the ability to change the world by sharing your lemonade story.  I will no longer underestimate the wonders God can do when we say yes, even if it starts with a "half-yes."  Go ahead, take the first step and email your story.  I look forward to hearing from


  1. Love the feel of your blog. What a beautiful title,. extremely unique and your choice of music give me goosebumps. An amazing idea to come up with,. I am only jealous that I didn't think of it sooner lol :P
    Dang your blog is the first blog that has moved me to tears. God Bless.

  2. Lisa, Thank you for stopping by and for following this blog. I look forward to sharing more stories from around the world with you.
