Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A Collection of Poems by Dr. Tom Mulligan

Today's lemonade story comes from my uncle, Dr. Tom Mulligan.  He sent me a collection of poems to be shared with my readers who may have trouble coping with the loss of a loved one, or finding a spouse.  When my uncle encounters someone struggling with difficult circumstances, he offers a poem for them to recite daily.  These poems are a great way to turn your lemons into lemonade.  Enjoy...


Everyday when I awake, 
I kneel down and say,

“May Thy Holy Will be done, 
please guide me through the day.”

When what I want, I do not get, 
and work becomes a task,

It’s time for me to wonder why, 
and this is what I ask.

“Did I really mean my prayer, 
“Thy Holy Will be done,”

which means some days will seem all work, 
without the room for fun?

God answer prayers, but keep in mind,
He answers, Yes or No.

He knows that what you really want, 
may keep you on the go.

It’s what you need, not what you want, 
that God provides for you.

So, say your prayers, but keep in mind, 
God knows what you should do.

“May Thy Holy Will be done,” 
will mean that you must say,

“Whatever happens now to me, 
is what God wants this day.”

by Tom Mulligan

Have you listened to the birds sing, early in the morn?
Has your heart skipped a beat when a child was born? 

Have you treasured the fragrance of flowers in the Spring? 
Have you listened to the trees in the forest sing?

If you have been lifted by white clouds above, 

or experienced the feelings that develop with love; 
if stars in the sky bring light to your eyes, 
and you feel dazed when seeing blue skies,

if you have seen leaves change colors in Fall, 

you haven’t begun to experience it all. 
You have had but a glimpse of what it can be 
to have a clear conscience – that is the key.

Then you will find that all you enjoy 

can always be with you in sadness and joy. 
For when we know we have done what is right, 
our conscience forever makes everything bright.
by Tom Mulligan

My Lord and my God, You gave me life, 

a beautiful family, a wonderful wife. 
Free will You also gave to me, 
so I could choose to be with Thee.

Though one can make an evil choice, 

it’s not so easy when a voice 
says “I am waiting here for you, 
it all depends on what you do.”

Take your cross and you will see, 

forever more a life with Me. 
Free will is like a special key – 
damnation or eternity.

We know that we are free to choose. 

the choice is simply “win” or lose.” 
What we want may not be right,
it may be very wrong.

But if temptations we will fight, 

it won’t be very long, 
before the Lord says “Come to Me.” 
I want you for eternity.
by Tom Mulligan

*** When I was young, I liked to pray
that I would find a wife someday 

who loved her God and family 
and who would be the best for me.

My prayers were answered soon enough, 

I found my “diamond in the rough.” 
we met one week while “Casa bound”. 
The wife I wanted now was found.

The greatest thing about my life 

is that I have a loving wife, 
who loves the children – oh so much!! 
- with them she lends her loving touch.

She helps so many friends each day. 

“no” she never learned to say.
Smiles she brings to every face, 
- a credit to the human race.

My God gave this great gift to me, 

so I could spend eternity 
with God and saints and all above, 
and wife and children, all in love.
Your loving husband, Tom

Look in the mirror and what do you see? 

Is it the person you wanted to be?

If you get what you want, but it’s only for you,

then look in the mirror and search for a clue.

If the person you see is greedy and blind, 

the answer you need may lie in your mind.

Happiness lies in what you can do 

for others in need, whether many or few.

Take care of their needs and soon you will find

the one in the mirror to be gentle and kind.

You will never be happy unless you can say, 

“I like what I see in the mirror on this day.”

You may fool the whole world as you pass through the years, 

and get pats on your back as you pass.

But your final reward will be heartaches and tears, 

if you’ve cheated the one in the glass.
Tom Mulligan
(Revised from another source)

When I awake and start the day, 

this prayer to God is what I say:

“Please give me strength to do Thy will, 

so that my actions may fulfill

the purpose for which I was born, 

avoiding things which bring your scorn.”

To help myself and fellow man 

means doing everything I can

to spread the joy of God each day, 

by helping friends in every way.

If they are homeless, sick, or cold, 

the love we share can now unfold.

For when we learn to give to others, 

we discover we are brothers.

Then we know what life will be, 

when next we face eternity.

Because what we have done for them, 

we have really done for Him.

Love on earth and we will see, 

we all become one family.

Although our lives will end someday, 

our souls with God will ever stay.
by Tom Mulligan

My Lord and my God, I ask You to find 

a wife with a heart and inquisitive mind.

More importantly, however, I ask You to see

that spiritually speaking, she’s just right for me.

For You know what’s important in this short life of ours – 

that we seek You my Lord, amongst all the stars.

May she reflect what You wish in each person You make, 

so together we do all things for Your sake.

May all of the things the two of us do 

bring us closer together and closer to You.

Grant me this wife as soon as You can. 

I know it will make me a happier man.

Because whatever we choose to do 

will lead us to “Forever with You.”
by Tom Mulligan (written for another friend)

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